Prioritise Clients in inbound referrals:
- Click on ‘Inbound Referrals’
- In the column second from the right you will see ‘Priority’ where next to each patient’s name there is a flag
- Click the flag and select low, medium, or high. This will assign priority to patients before you have accepted or declined the referral.

- You can select the priority also when the referral is open to accept or decline it.
- Low, medium or high will show by clicking on the flag in the top right-hand corner.

- Accepting the referral will update the patient’s triage status to the priority level you selected.
- You can see the client triage status on the client's page after you click on the patient's name under the far right profile tab and look under client status.

Here is a video demonstration of this process:
Prioritise clients on the client list:
- Click on clients and click on the 3 dots next to the patient you would like to change the priority level

- Click on edit